Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Crossroads

Z and I are at a crossroads in our life. Well, about to be. Well, in a year we will be, but for a mama that is married to a med student, that before that was married to a college student, and before that was married to a MARINE, this is EXCITING! He has decided what field of medicine he is going to practice. Well, he has it narrowed down. Who cares that the list of options still has about five things on it. What is important is there is something on the top of the list that has very high favorables for me. (That's what matters, right?!) Anyway, I'm excited, and I'm ready for the next move in our life. However, I find with that excitement brings large amounts of anxiety. Where will we live? Which residency program will Z like? How close or far away will that be from our family? What will schools be like for the kids? Will I need to go back to work? Is the van going to last through residency because there is already an odor when you get in it? You know....ANXIETY. Don't get me wrong. This is ultimately excitement, mixed with a dash of anxiety. I just really wish we could fast forward the next year and get on with the next chapter, so we can see how it turns out. Did you see that? What did I just do? The one thing I really dont want to do. Rush through a year of my life just because I want what is next like a spoiled child. When I say I just want this year to be over, I don't really mean that because this next year is going to be great. Z has a lot of time to be home, which will be wonderful, and I don't want the babies to get any bigger. So here's to the crossroads......I'm very excited for you, but you can wait until I spend some time with my family.

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