Monday, July 16, 2012

A blog of randomness....

I'm not sure what is wrong with my mood lately, but I'm in a terrible, awful, no good, kinda mood. You know the kind where you just look at your husband, and he's got to be thinking, "uh. Yeah, I'll do that for you babe." I mean sure I could list you all the things that are getting on my nerves right now, like the house being sticky, the clothes piling up and piling up and piling up, the dog that is shedding, the kids that are poopy, the pantry that is empty, the van that is nasty, the yard that needs mowing, the fridge that needs cleaning. But, what would be the point in really talking about all that. I mean all of that is really just a little depressing. Instead of focusing on the things I should be doing, I am going to focus on the way all that stuff makes me feel. Here are a list of things that have been running through my mind. It's like a whole blog of Facebook status updates. Sounds fun and interesting right?

1.  All of my friends with nice clean houses and laundry put up and wonderfully homemade supper cooked, you really make me internally ill.
2. Maybe I should get a job, and put these crazy people in day care.
3. I think I'll just take the kids to play in the sprinkler, and not worry about the house. I mean it will just be this way again tomorrow. (Kind of serious about just ditching these responsibilities and enjoying my babies.)
4. Ahahaha! *Evil laugh* My kids don't believe I'll do it. ahhahahahaa
5. Oh yes telemarketer, of course I have a few minutes to talk to you. Just what I wanted to do with my time.
6. Man, I love this toe nail polish. It looks so natural. (Happy thought of the day.)
7.Well, I hope you are enjoying that beach vacation.
8. You remember that time I got in that fight on Facebook about that with some woman I don't know. That was so stupid. (Just shaking my head.)
9. I'm really glad I got to see Kate give her big brother a kiss on the cheek. That is really what matters.
10. I think I'll just call my Mama and talk to her about how much I have to do.

Some of these are said with love, some with sarcasm, and some with down right envy. I'll let you be the judge.

I do have to say that on days like this, I am so thankful for a Savior that keeps me in his hands and gives me strength.  His love never leaves me and never disappoints me.

Isaiah 40:30-31

New International Version (NIV)
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall; 
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
    they will run and not grow weary,
 they will walk and not be faint.