Sunday, September 15, 2013


About five minutes after leaving a wonderful worship service and feeling all "filled" up, I found myself at a red light in ole Busty the van (Lee named our van  Buster because it is so busted up...) dealing with craziness! I was yelling at Lee for ruining his brand new white Polo shirt by coloring on it with a hot pink sharpie.  (I was so excited when I bought those stupid neon Sharpies and nothing good has come from them. Nothing. Not one good thing...) Kate was in the back of Busty crying because Wade had her paper from Sunday School. It was a plain white piece of computer paper with a few purple scribbles on it, but to her it was an autographed copy of O magazine. (I don't know why I chose O Magazine except that if Oprah had signed it then it would be worth a whole bunch. Right?) Well, anyway Wade had her paper and she was screaming her head off. Wade was sitting across from her and basically taunting her, waving the paper around in flag like motion. Wade was mad because he didn't get to explore the new church enough. I would've  stayed longer at church but when I caught Wade climbing the window panes like they were a ladder, I decided it was time to go. Therefor Wade was mad at all of us, and the only one he could reach, mentally and physically, was Kate. He also started pinching her so I took a break from yelling at Lee about his white shirt to yell at Wade about being just down right mean to his sister. At this moment in my life, I was yelling, Lee was crying because he was convinced it was actually Wade's fought that he got the sharpie out and drew on himself. (Ummmm, no son.) Kate was crying because she was being attacked in the backseat, Wade was crying because he hated all of us for existing, and Baby Stephen was......(Well, baby was happy to be with us. What must he think of his life! I WAS wondering why he wasn't crying because it was time for him to nurse.)I turned the music back up on my radio to drown out the madness when I heard Mandisa singing "Stronger." I had to smile because it is amazing to me how just when I think life is crazy and I can't do it, God shows me that these little moment are only one small piece of a much larger puzzle. That if I just continue on one day we will look back and smile. I just hope and pray my children remember me smiling and not completely losing it at red lights! Here are the lyrics to the chorus of the song that brought me back to reality and here are some scriptures that have been on my mind lately:


When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
And things can only get better
Believe me,
This is gonna make you stronger, stronger

Luke 6:46-49
"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show 
you what he is like who 
comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like 
a man building a house,
 who dug down deep and laid his foundation on rock. When a flood came,
 the torrent struck that 
house but could not shake it, because it was well built." 

Luke 12:32
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give 
you the kingdom."

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